"Home of Tuken's Best Farm Fresh"
Tuken's Orchard & Farm Market
15725 Eaton Pike
West Alexandria, OH 45381
937-687-3848 (Store/Orchard)
937-603-9865 (Wholesale)
email address:
Summer Hours:
Mon-Sat 10 am-6 pm
Sunday 11 am-5 pm
Tuken's specializes in a wide variety of seasonal, freshly harvested fruits and vegetables. Great care is taken to ensure the highest quality and flavor, from selecting the right seeds and preparing organic mulch growing beds, to the on-going care in protecting the plants
from damaging insects and diseases. Each vegetable is carefully hand picked and promptly displayed to meet
the most discriminating
buyer's need for ultimate freshness and taste.
We guarantee your satisfaction with our fruits and vegetables
or we will replace it free of charge, no questions asked!
Tukens Orchard &
Farm Market